----------------------------- Oct 24, 1993 - version 1.07 See CHANGES.OCT.24.93 file. Delay screen was removed, shareware release identical to registered user release. Hey, HyperANSI is just back from the dead in time for Halloween... or so some people would let you believe. It wasn't dead, it just smelled a little funny. If support improves (it can't really get any worse...), I will devote more time to this program (which I believe is the best Amiga ANSI editor around!). I'd like to thank all of those who registered (all 11 of you). This version is fully functional and the only difference between it and the registered version is the "About" requester won't have your name in it. I'll clarify the new registration policy (I couldn't cram it into the about requester and I canned the delay screen): If you are one of the eleven who registered HyperANSI previousely then you have my permission to use this version as long as you want. If you have not registered, then you may use the program for a 30 day evaluation period... of course a few are still _on_ the 30 day evaluation period for version 1.06 which was released some 5 or 6 months ago. :-/ The official "registered" version is identical to this release. If you like the program please send whatever you feel it is worth to you, you will either receive a note of thanks or a disk containing alot of ANSI files (over 400). To get the disk you must send at least $25US ($30 CAN) to be fair the people who have already registered. If you find any bugs, please let me know... I am not aware of ANY bugs in this release, and if not informed otherwise I'll just go on believing that. ;) This release is really a test of uncrippled shareware distribution. It makes it much easier for registered users to get updates, but if I see no noticable difference in the number of people registering I will go to a keyfile system. ----------------------------- Mar 07, 1993 - version 1.06 Added a better method for configuring ANSI and ASCII saves. Instead of the requesters that used to be appear *every* time you save something, they are now located in the Edit menu, PLUS you can save your configurations and the program will automatically load and use them, PLUS you specify which EOL character(s) to use, the ANSI cursor advancing can be turned completely off (thanks to a suggestion from a DLG sysop) and more. The 'Workbench' option in the project menu has been changed to a Screen Title toggle. ----------------------------- Feb 22, 1993 - version 1.05 Added a Flood fill option to the modes menu. Floods at the cursor position when called. Use the menu or Alt-V. The routine requires that you have a decent sized stack (no problem if running from Workbench). 10,000 works okay (your mileage may vary). ----------------------------- Feb 21, 1993 - version 1.04 Fixes a problem with Insert mode. The alloted tempA for BltBitmap was too small... This was the source of many mysterious random crashes, Enforcer didn't pick it up. ----------------------------- Jan 07, 1993 - version 1.03 ANSI save with the CLEAR option, resulted in files much larger than they should be, due to many unnecessary background color changes. ----------------------------- Jan 03, 1993 - version 1.02 Added CloseWindowSafely routine for shared IDCMP, removing and replying to all Intuimessages BEFORE closing window. Problem with half mode: changing pages, turning half mode off, and then returning back to previous page would leave the cursor (dangerously)off the page. ----------------------------- Jan 02, 1993 - version 1.01 MAJOR bug with the ASL requester fixed. Trashed low memory (whoops) ----------------------------- Jan 01, 1993 - version 1.0 Initial Release